Tuesday, 28 June 2011

cpd23 Personal Brand, finding my way around blogging,

Just an update of my progress in the world of blogging:
I can now create links in my blog and upload pictures.
I have worked out how to follow a blog.
I looked at lots of blogs with advice about personal branding. 
Still mulling over my thoughts about personal branding. I have misgivings about using my real name online and a picture also feels a bit risky. But I may change how I feel. The library community feels very supportive and friendly, but I'm really not very happy about being too revealed just yet. Might be something to do with my age/ era. 
Today I've been asked to help collate/ edit information for our new school prospectus for 2012, a job I did two years ago. As we will be transforming into a new school (see my blog...) with a new name, uniform, logo, school site, this is also a branding exercise.


  1. Hi Philgo,
    Interesting times for you- re-branding at your school as well as yourself! I think having a high profile is really important for a school library, although I do find it quite hard to demand "attention".

  2. Hi LibraryGeek
    I agree it is very hard keeping a high profile and continuously trying to demonstrate the ways we can make life easier and maybe more interesting for our pupils and teachers.
